Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Gotta go!

This is going to be one of those posts that makes me glad that I haven't gone too public with my blog.  It isn't the sort of post that I would wish my work colleagues to read as they probably won't look at me the same way again (well, they already look at me a little strangely, but I think that's down to some of my other habits....).  You have been warned!  If you are easily shocked, then I warn you to LEAVE THIS PAGE RIGHT NOW!!   

Are you still here?  OK then, I will continue... 

To set the scene (and build up the story), let’s imagine that you have gone out for the day with your family to a family fun event, which has lots of entertainment – singing, dancing, juggling, comedy, etc, and stalls where you can buy exciting clothes, jewellery or ornaments that look great on the Bohemian types wandering around the event, but look pretty silly once you get home.  There are stalls where you can get every kind of food from the usual burgers and hot dogs to falafel and oriental noodles.  Or maybe you came prepared with a lovely picnic, that you brought in the cool box, complete with a bottle of wine that you drink out of plastic cups, sitting on your chequered rug.  It’s a lovely sunny day (you might have to try very hard with the imagination here…), and the children are frolicking happily with other children, the birds are singing (you can’t actually hear them above the racket from the stage, but still…), strange looking people are smoking strange smelling roll-ups, and the flowers are blooming all around…  Ahhhh, bliss!  And then… and then… you know you have to… your attempts not to drink too much were fruitless…there is no way you’re going to last another 2 hours or so until you get home… oh NO!! You have to use the communal toilets!! Aaaaaaaaaaaagghhhhhh!!!!  This is, of course, assuming that you are a female – if you are of the male species – and I don’t think I have any of that variety following my blog – then you won’t know what the fuss is all about (unless your requirement is for a longer visit…).  Anyway, having finally realised that you have to give in to your body’s most inconvenient call to the convenience, you make haste in the direction of the dreaded toilets.   There they are ahead, a row of little plastic huts, looming most unattractively, like little tardes (is that the plural of tardis, I wonder?) across the skyline.  You may have some luck if there are separate toilets for men and ladies – no guarantees of course, but you may be spared the sprinkler effect around the seat, walls, floor, sink and ceiling.  You have no choice (well, there is one, but would be even worse to deal with unless you are wearing some super strength incontinence pants).  With a sinking heart you take a deep breath in (to try and avoid the need to do this inside the little shack), and venture in.  Need I go on?  Suffice to say, there is no way that you are going to allow your delicate little bottom to make contact with that disgusting structure in front of you, so, you perform a careful reverse manoeuvre so that your nether regions are hovering about 8 inches above the receptacle, and attempt to let it all out.  Isn’t it strange how, even though your body is desperate, it really doesn’t want to let it out when you are in this awkward position?   OK, eventually you get going, and use your super-human powers to control the direction so it doesn’t spray over your clothes or your feet.  Of course, there is no toilet paper or soap, so better hope that you are prepared with some tissues and sanitiser!   
This is a scene which most of us can relate to, so wouldn't it be great if someone found a way to enable us girls to pee like blokes???!!!! - without the rotating fountain effect, of course).  Well, some clever person has invented a little device that enables us to do just that!  I had heard of these devices, however what prompted me to buy one was an article in Good Housekeeping (yes, really!), comparing a number of different models.  A bit different from their usual offering of comparing food mixers and pressure cookers...  Anyway, being just a little bit of a gadget buff, I had to buy one, so selected the GH recommended model which is called "The Whizz".   

I think I've waffled on enough for now, so will save my story about the test drive for another day.  Bet your DESPERATE to hear about it...

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Fasting and Feasting

I know, I know!  It has been a while….blah blah blah…  In honour of my new follower (yippee!!), I thought I would put fingers to keyboard and waffle on a bit.  It’s also a celebration of a year since I started out on this “journey”, and I just wanted to mention, once again, how amazingly impressed I am with the IF WOE (Intermittent Fasting Way of Eating…). 

Although I was thrilled to see the weight dropping off, I know from many past experiences just how difficult it is to keep it off.  With the best will in the world, it is very difficult to continue, on an on-going basis, to deprive oneself of all the nice things to eat in life, such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate, ice-cream, desserts, wine, curry, bread, etc etc.  It only takes a holiday, Christmas or just a bad week-end to start back on the rocky road to letting the pounds slowly creep back on.  At the risk of sounding rather evangelical (once again) about this particular approach, I truly believe that it is a do-able long term solution to not just losing the weight, but KEEPING it off!  Whilst it isn’t exactly enjoyable going through a day until tea time without a calorie passing my lips, the knowledge that it is only for that short period, and the next day I don’t have to think about dieting gets me through. 

Yesterday was a fasting day.  I drank my way through a couple of litres of water and a couple of black coffees, and made it until 6.00pm, when I had an M&S salmon and grain salad meal for 375 calories.  I also had some melon, grapes and asparagus, and a couple of cups of (white) tea.  Today is a “feast” day.  That doesn’t mean (unfortunately!) that I can stuff my face with absolutely anything I fancy, but just that I don’t have to think too hard about watching what I eat today.  It is someone’s birthday in the office, and that means cream cakes – yum!  I will still opt for the “least bad” option (a chocolate éclair at 185 calories), but I will enjoy it without any guilt or worry that I have blown my diet.  On previous “diets”, giving in to a cake would have the negative psychological effect of making me think “oh no, blown the diet again – might as well continue to pig out and start again tomorrow…” (or next Monday!).  I know, I know!  It isn’t logical or sensible, but I can’t be perfect all the time!